4:00 PM16:00

Port9 x Georgíuvín

8.000 ára víngerðarhefð bíður þín á Port9 þann 7. nóvember!

Komdu og smakkaðu það besta frá mekka náttúruvínsins og uppgötvaðu hvar þetta allt byrjaði. Við kynnum þig fyrir fornberjum, qvevri, Kakhetian-aðferðinni og förum með þig í ferðalag í notalegu umhverfi hér í hjarta Reykjavíkur.

8000 years of wine tradition are waiting for you at port9 on November 7th !

Come taste the best of the country of wine. We will introduce you to ancient grapes, qvevri, kakhetian method, and make you travel from the comfort of a downtown wine bar.

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6:00 PM18:00


  • 9 Veghúsastígur Reykjavík, Reykjavíkurborg, 101 Iceland (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our monthly poetry night @port9wine will take place on Wednesday the 6th of November at 18 o’clock! ✨

Come take part or simply enjoy the talents of our community! 🍋

Wine, refreshments and snacks will be served by (our) lovely staff 💛

Hosted by 
Eydís Blöndal ( @eyjablo )

Zuzanna Jadwiga Wrona ( @wronazuzannna ) 

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8:30 PM20:30


Hrollvekjandi kvöld með djass og hrekkjavökugleði - með lögum flutt af Kríu Mekkin og Alexander Grybos. Komdu við á Port 9, þar sem staðurinn breytist í draugalegt djasssetur, fullkomnað með drungalegri lýsingu, draugum og okkar sérstaka Hrekkjavöku-leynivíni. Giskaðu á rétt vín og þú færð það frítt!

Aðgangur ókeypis, eins og alltaf :)

Spooktacular night of jazz and Halloween fun- with songs performed by Kria Mekkin and Alexander Grybos. Come by Port 9, where our venue will be transformed into a jazz-infused haunted lounge, complete with spooky lighting, ghouls and our special Halloween mystery wine 🍷

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8:00 PM20:00

CONCERT 06.10 : Lúpína and Laglegt

Concert !!!

Mikill heiður að fá Lúpína og Laglegt til þess að spila á Port 9 þann 6. Október !

Við erum miklir aðdáendur Lupinu og erum viss um það að þið séuð það líka!

Hennar hugljúfa rödd mun blessa okkur á sunnudaginn til þess að loka helginni af með gleði og góðum tónum.

Laglegt heillaði okkur öll upp úr skónum með tónleikum sínum á Menningarnótt, það var enginn betri til þess að byrja kvöldið

Kíktu við og fáðu þér vínglas, og njóttu þess að hlusta á þessa frábæru listakonur

Byrjar kl 20:00, frítt inn

What an honour to have Lúpína and Laglegt playing at port9 in the 6th of October !!

We have been a fan of Lúpína for a while here, and we are sure you are too !

Her enchanting voice is blessing us on a Sunday to finish the weekend with grace !

Laglegt impressed us all during her concert for Menningarnott, there could be no one better to open the show !

Come have a glass of wine, and let yourself be transported by those two amazing artists .

Starts at 20:00, free entrance.

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5:00 PM17:00

Zuzanna Wrona, „Azimuths“ Exhibition

The exhibition ‘Azimuths’ is a captivating tribute to the Cyrilic alphabet, weaving through the history, culture and artistry of this unique script. Originating in the mountains of Bulgaria and now presented in a contemporary gallery space in Iceland, the show features six silk-screened works that reimagine traditional Cyrillic letters with a modern sensibility. The artist plays with scale, color and form, transforming familiar characters into abstract compositions that capture the rhythm and flow of the language. 

In "Azimuths," the Cyrillic alphabet is celebrated not merely as a means of communication, but as a powerful symbol of cultural identity and creative expression. The exhibition honors the script's enduring beauty and its significant impact on art, language, and society. The audience is invited to discover a fresh perspective on the Cyrillic alphabet — one that transcends its utilitarian purpose and reveals its true artistic potential.

Silk screen printed at NoPoint Atelier - Balanite, Bulgaria. 


Zuzanna is a multidisciplinary graphic designer from Poland. She graduated with a B.A. degree in graphic design from Teesside University in the UK in 2022 and also holds a diploma in the same field from Prague City University.

She has exhibited her work in both the Czech Republic and Iceland.

Additionally, she’s working as a graphic designer at Aton, Reykjavík.

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